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Success: Seward Profile is sourced!

Ms. Jenkins apologized and explained that it was a last minute item written under deadline and she simply forgot. Thank you, Kathie.
Accidents will happen. For me, I still have this lingering doubt that not sourcing the Star Tribune or New York Times would have triggered an alarm along the way. Somebody must look over the content besides the writer. Of course if I'm a copy editor and I see "neighborhood blog" I have no idea what blog she is talking about. It would seem a good starting point to refer to the name of the blog in full (in this case Seward Profile). Then if you forget the link, someone would have a clue as to where to look. I'm realizing I should have asked for naming the blog in my email. Darn. A name without a link is arguably better than a link without a name.
Erica at fresh.mn was kind enough to retweet and link here. I'll close with her (re)tweet as I think she makes a good point.
Labels: journalism
Pioneer Press writer Kathie Jenkins forgets to link to Seward Profile
Kathie Jenkins at Pioneer Press read the Seward Profile story on the Birchwood Cafe expansion and then wrote about it in her Restaurant News column ("A Tree Grows in Seward"). She sourced a "neighborhood blog" and didn't provide a link.
Profile is one of my projects and Kathie, I'm happy to provide you with easy-to-serve copy-and-paste material but how about at least linking back to the source? Hey this is the web! You can still fix it! Just send folks to: http://sewardprofile.posterous.com/birchwood-expansion-plans-update-from-tracy. Thanks. All will be forgiven.Labels: journalism
Extra! Extra! Read it on Twitter
Nineteen Critical Mass bikers were arrested in Minneapolis last night during their monthly ride. I'm not going to talk about harassment and/or justice in this post except to say that it looks like the Minneapolis police used excessive force during the arrests. There are videos and photos for viewing. (Follow the links.)
I'm going to talk about how I found out within a few hours and without the help of any official media source. A link drifted in on Twitter, a twit from Mr. Ed Kohler: "What the heck happened at Critical Mass in Minneapolis tonight?" with a link to a report at City Pages Blotter. Then another twit, WCCO's Jason DeRusha stating CCO would have a report with video soon. This was around 10 p.m.
I ran a Google news search and found the Indymedia report.
Nothing at StarTribune. (They have a story now.)
There's something happening here and we know what it is.
It's about the shifting media space and the shouts I'm hearing out here on the 'Net. It's about casual news sources beating out traditional sources.
Labels: journalism, media, news, newspapers
Time Magazine opens its archives
Time Magazine has opened its archives back to 1923. Here's the May 7, 1945 issue with Hitler on the cover.
via Doc Searls.
Labels: journalism, news