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Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Why I voted "No" on Minneapolis Charter Amendment #168
Here's what the amendment reads:
Should the City of Minneapolis adopt a change in its charter to the composition of the Board of Estimate and Taxation so that the Board's membership consists of the members of the City Council, with the actions of the Board subject to the powers and duties of the Mayor?
Here's what Green Council Member Cam Gordon says:
As we begin the constructive discussion next year about how to improve the ways that the City Council works with the Park Board, we should do so with the BET in place and ready to be reformed and more fully utilized to help make our City government more responsive, accountable, transparent and fiscally prudent.
That pretty much sums up my own take on the amendment and BET.
I certainly agree with much of what Aaron Landry says about the BET including:
I strongly favor having our elected City Council be held responsible and accountable for these things, like almost every other major city in the country.
But I think we need to have more discussion on how to reform the process and not just jump off the current horse. While I don't think voting "yes" will spell the end of the independent Park Board, I do think BET is one of the very few places (maybe the only place) that the Park Board and City Council sit down together and talk.
Posted via email from Peter's posterous