Photo of worker adjusting a wireless access point.

Worker adjusting the wireless access point outside my window.

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Sunday, March 01, 2009
2008 Minneapolis Digital Inclusion Awards
I sit on the Digital Inclusion Advisory Committee and we finished another award cycle last year that I never blogged about. (Here's a search link where you can read more about the Committee and my involvement.) I'm doing a presentation on digital inclusion this week at the U for a journalism class so I thought I should at least get this information online here. (In my defense, I did Twitter the awards back in December.)

We have away $200,000 for the second year. We have $100,000 left. According to the US Internet Wireless (USIW) contract, USIW will continue funding with a minimum of 5% of net pretax income. When the Digital Inclusion fund will see this money is not clear. There are other benefits too including free accounts for nonprofits. The City convened a work group last summer to look at some of these and how to proceed. I sat at the table with that group too and we finished meetings in the summer. We are still waiting for the applications for free accounts. Hopefully this will move forward soon.

Without further ado, here are the 2008 awards:


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