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Friday, February 01, 2008
Minneapolis Unwired: We are fastest (maybe)
My Google alerts for "Minneapolis wireless" flagged a report on current testing of Mineapolis Wi-Fi network by Novarum. Novarum goes around the country testing and measuring Wi-Fi implementations and they release a public report. They also do testing-for-hire and that's what's going on here in Minneapolis. Belair, the radio and antenna provider for the Minneapolis system hired them.
The report states that USI Wireless (vendor for the system) is delivering the highest speeds of any metro Wi-Fi network in the U.S.
MuniWireless contacted Novarum and found out that while they do think we have a high-quality and fast wireless network here in Minneapolis, they are still testing and won't discuss the results. Belair Network jumped the gun with this announcement.
MuniWireless article
Technorati Tags: tech, wireless
The report states that USI Wireless (vendor for the system) is delivering the highest speeds of any metro Wi-Fi network in the U.S.
MuniWireless contacted Novarum and found out that while they do think we have a high-quality and fast wireless network here in Minneapolis, they are still testing and won't discuss the results. Belair Network jumped the gun with this announcement.
MuniWireless article
Technorati Tags: tech, wireless