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Saturday, February 17, 2007
Cringely writing for Technology Evangelist
Local budding blog empire Technology Evangelist has scored big with Robert X. Cringely, aka Mark Stephens.
I first started reading Bob back in his InfoWorld days (where still exists another RXC). His departure with the Cringely moniker in 1995 was a bit controversial. His 1992 book, Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can't Get a Date, an entertaining history of Silicon Valley. He also did the PBS show Triumph of the Nerds.
In 2005, Cringely started NerdTV, sometimes described as a Charlie Rose for geeks, where Bob would interview technologists. A few weren't really that well-known but still excellent choices and made for an interesting interview. I think the shows were online only and available in several different formats (including a podcast). My favorite was his interview with super model Anina, who happens to be a cellphone geek (show #9). And if you don't know who Brewster Kahle is, check out Bob's interview (show #4).
I was waiting for the second season to start and even emailed Bob. Now I discover that NerdTV was a financial bust. That's where the Technology Evangelist folks come in. They've been working with high-quality video, they admire Bob, so they ended up filming the second season (coming soon to an Internet near you).
So thanks Evangelist, congratulations on the addition of an excellent writer, and Welcome, Bob!
Bonus links: Pioneer Press article on the Cringely-Evangelist deal and Ed Kohler's follow-up post at Evangelist.
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