Photo of worker adjusting a wireless access point.

Worker adjusting the wireless access point outside my window.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Ninth Ward awards Settanni Citizen of the Year
Minneapolis, MN

Ninth Ward Awards were handed out January 26 by Council Member Gary Schiff. Catherine Settanni received Citizen of the Year for her work on the Minneapolis community benefit agreement.

Congratulations Catherine!
Citizen of the Year: Catherine Settanni
Catherine Settanni led the charge to approve a tough community benefits agreement with US Internet's contract that establishes a city wireless network. Thanks to her work, USI will contribute half a million dollars of start up money, and millions more in future years to shrink the digital divide by contributing to community tech centers and free internet access in low income communities. The agreement is heralded nationally as a groundbreaking private-public partnership.


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