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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Minneapolis Wireless: TC Daily Planet Reports
TC Daily Planet has a good report on the Ways & Means meeting Monday. Much more detail and clarity than the Star Tribune article. (Plus, Star Tribune articles tend to eventually drift behind their paywall.)
One detail TC missed was Who is John Stanoch of Qwest? Is he a lawyer? A support guy? Why should I listen to what he has to say? I had to go back to the Star Tribune article to find out he's president of Qwest in MN.
Another miss is the missing Full Disclosure. At every community meeting in Minneapolis about wireless that I attended, TC Daily Planet was mentioned as a potential resident of the "walled garden" entry portal for the wireless system. (They actually do appear on the US Internet wireless sign-in page in the South Minneapolis pilot project and they may have been on Earthlink's north pilot sign-in page too.)
Getting in the walled garden will be tremendous exposure for the Daily Planet. The idea behind the portal page is that it will be open to anyone who can access the wireless network whether they have any kind of paid Internet account or not. It will have some basic services, like local news and neighborhood information. Probably a weather report too.
All of this, of course, is still to be determined as we move towards Wi-Fi network deployment. Personally, I'd like to see a mix of news feeds including with TC Daily Planet , the Star Tribune and Twin Cities Indymedia. But that's another post.